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Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching » Process » Process - Details »

  • Step 1: Establish the ground rules

    The first step involves crating a coaching “contract”, and reaching consensus, on how to work together, including a role description, the results coach and coachee expect, and the amount of time and energy they are willing to invest. The ground rules cover some of the following key areas:

    • Methods of information gathering – Surveys, interviews or past performance data
    • Setting objectives and monitoring progress – Measurable outcomes
    • Clarification how and when the coaching will end – Agreement on final results

  • Step 2: Identify the stakeholders

    During this step we identify the tools and stakeholders that will provide feedback to the coachee. These can be direct reports, peers, boss, customers and other stakeholders that can provide development input. We also define the characteristics and qualities that are important for the leader in terms of position and organization.

  • Step 3: Implement and review assessment
    Next we implement and analyze the survey, interview or performance data, discuss the results within the organizational context in which it was given, and extract the key themes for all future coaching activities.

  • Step 4: Develop an action plan

    In this step we identify first development themes and later specific, behaviorally defined development goals the coachee agrees to work on during the coaching contract. He or she may share this information with his direct reports, boss, or other stakeholders. Once the action plan has been finalized, time and location of future coaching sessions can be scheduled.

  • Step 5: Perform ongoing follow up sessions

    As a next step we agree to meet at least once a month to review progress and discuss further actions. These sessions can be conducted as one-on-one meetings or on the phone. Generally, to create lasting impact, a coaching assignment may take between six to eight months. In these sessions we also reassess the goals and coaching contract to determine whether they need modification based on new information or insights from the discussions.

  • Step 6: Evaluate final results and reassessing the process

    About six to eight months after developing the first action plan, we conduct a formal progress review based on input from the coachee, direct reports, boss and other stakeholders. This review will outline the progress made to date. This can be in terms of changed behavior or improved performance. After this review, the coachees are usually ready for the next business opportunity or personal change.